The Hadleys
I hope your new week is starting off better than mine did this morning. Unlike you kids, I faithfully wear my retainers. I took them out this morning and set them on the bathroom sink. I washed my hands with soap and dried them. I saw the towel fling one of my retainers and I looked and looked and couldn't find it. Then I looked in the toilet. There it was floating on top of the water. Disgusting huh? Needless to say--they both have been soaking in clorox all day. After I took care of that I went into the computer and found pictures of Lily's yo-gabba-gabba shoot, Jane's 1st birthday at the beach on Brooke's blog, and a bunch of great pictures at the beach on Shelly's blog. I can't tell you how many times I have gone to the blogs of all the beach pictures and enlarged each one and carefully focus on each one of you. I can't quit staring at them. I love seeing all of my sweet kids and kiddies. Now that's the way to start out the day. Thanks Girlios for all the pictures. More Please.
Yesterday Dad and I drove to Ryazan for our meetings. Our AP's are both in Madrid getting new visas, so we went alone. I snapped some pictures of what I thought was pretty interesting on the way home. We call the trip to Ryazan the pots & gnomes trip. For quite a stretch there are tons of pots and gnomes and other weird creatures lined up along the road for sale. I didn't think a picture of the pornagraphic towels that are also everywhere you look along the road for sale would be appropriate. What's up with that? I added this old church to my Russian Churches file. Can you see the weeds growing out of the bricks on the tower? I thought these sunflowers with the blue picket fence and the orange window was a cool shot. Of course my favorite is the one of our Ryazan missionaries. Elder & Sister Hadley's last Sunday on their mission. They are coming over for dinner tonight and then they leave for their home in UT. They have been wonderful to hold weekly FHE, District meetings and any teaching opportunities they can in their apartment. They have also ran the English Club. No one coming to take their place. What are we going to do without them? They are great missionaries and humble, faithful people. We will miss them.
You need to purchase one of those gnomes for your yard when you get home. Grandma Mickelson would be proud of you. The missionaries are cuter though.
It has been awhile since I have looked at blogs because we were gone to Calif. and then to the mountains. I love your pics and everytime I see a picture of you and Phil I think you guys are definitely the BEST Looking Mission Pres. couple I know!! I am seriously going to get you an e-mail probably next week because wer are supposed to go to ST. George this weekend for the Shipley reunion. Still love your guts and pray for you daily!!
I love to see all your fun pictures you take. They are always very interesting. I'm getting so excited to see you. It is coming so fast. I been going out everyday trying to get that list of things bought.
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