Wednesday, December 24, 2008


                                             Dad making pumpkin pies--Isn't he the cutest?

                     We were so excited to find a bag of noodles in the freezer.  So you CA 
                      kids aren't the only ones that get to eat noodles on Christmas Eve.  I'm 
                     the lucky ducky too.

                                  A million angel sugar cookies for my angel missionaries tomorrow.
                                  I'll have to get up early to get them all frosted before we head to
                                  our Christmas Day Spectacular.                                                                                                                             

                                     MeMa singing Christmas Carols on the street with some of the Elders.

Elder Whitney's Mom made these personalized stockings for us.  She even mailed us a couple of books and a miniature nativity too.  I thought that was very sweet of her.  I sure hope Santa fills them with good stuff.  I wish I could wake up in the morning and see all of you darling kiddies and kids of mine.  That would be the best present ever.  I hope your Christmas Eve is full of the Spirit of Christ and that you feel of His love.  I'll be sending all my love and lots of hugs and kisses your way.  Just when I think I couldn't ever miss you any more---I do.  Merry Christmas!


Ned and Erin + kids said...

just getting ready to go to bed and thought I would wend a merry christmas before i do. just know that we will be thinking of you and wishing you were here. we love you guys like crazy and know you are where you are supose to be (i spelled it like that to bring back memories of jono).

Amy said...

Merry Christmas!! We miss you guys and wish you were here with us in your house. Weird to be here without you. Thanks for all of our presents. The stocking are so cute that was sure nice of her. We love you tons!!Next year baby you will be in the good ole USA.