Friday, May 23, 2008


Dad and I are leaving EARLY (5:15) in the morning for Paris.  We HAVE to go and get new visas so that we can stay in Russia legally for another 3 months.  I certainly can think of many worse places to go.  I'm almost feeling guilty (almost) about being so excited about being in Paris again. Just thinking about our at least once a day stop at Jean-Paul Hevin Chocolate Shop, Bo-Finger, crepes, french bread and the flea market gets me more excited by the minute.  We will be back Tuesday night.  I hope everyone has a wonderful but so safe holiday weekend.  I know the Collins' and the Larks are partying it up in NYC--the Skousens and the Opfels will be hanging out with all those crazy Larsons at the reunion.  What are the Flakes and the other Collins' doing?  Hey--even though we will be in Paris eating ourselves sick---we will still miss you.  ILYT oxoxoxo

1 comment:

Andrew said...

It's just rude to post things like this.